Jim & Melinda Erickson

Project Name: Muslim Relief
Project # 128

2019 Jim & Melinda Erickson.JPG

The focus of our ministry is discipleship…one on one discipleship. Jim and I are each discipling several men and women respectively, helping them to understand what it is to be a disciple of Christ, that they should continuously grow up in Him and be committed to helping others to do the same. It is making disciples who make disciples who make disciples…

Our goals and objectives in 2021 involves us becoming closer, more surrendered disciples of Christ so that we can continue to make reproducing disciples. God is always calling us out, as we spend time in His word, to be transformed in one way or another. Additionally, our goal for those we disciple is the same. We each are continually watching for others to disciple who God places in our lives for that purpose. Let’s see what He does in the year ahead.

Prayer requests: 

Staying focused where we need to be focused, remembering that even when we are growing old and more tired, less ambitious than before, He has called us to discipleship and there we will remain.

In addition, as we remain connected to those Jim discipled in Mumbai, India, he continues to disciple one of them on a weekly basis. There is always the challenge of helping to meet their financial needs in the case of persecution, health issues, children’s education – the need for discernment as to how much to give, when to give and if there is ever a time not to give. For example, last year one of these men was attacked in his home, and beaten with fists and sticks as his three boys looked on, terrified. The attackers took his phone and destroyed his computer and other possessions and broke his leg. We felt compelled to help. This man and others continue to be Muslim Background Believers (MBBs) in Christ, our brothers, and continue to make additional disciples. We are geographically far from them, but we don’t yet think it’s time to withdraw support.

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Contributions are solicited with the understanding that Missionary Gospel Fellowship (MGF) has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds. MGF will attempt to honor gifts preferenced to support particular workers, but the final decision on the use of all funds rests with the organization.

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